Article 1 – Name and Purpose.

1.1 The organisation shall be called the European Network of Trainees in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, hereafter referred to as ENTOG.

1.2 ENTOG is a non-governmental, independent and non-profit association.

1.3 ENTOG was officially founded at the first ENTOG Council in Athens, Greece in 1997 in accordance with the Belgian Act of 25 October 1919, as amended by the 6 December 1954 Act. ENTOG is an official body of EBCOG (European Board College of Obstretrics and Gynaecology) and therefore the UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes). As such, ENTOG acts under the Belgian legislation and its headquarters are based in the UEMS building at Rue de l’industrie, 24, B – 1040, Brussels.

1.4 The working language of ENTOG shall be English.

1.5 ENTOG shall have the following objectives:

A To achieve a better understanding of training in gynaecology-obstetrics in different European countries, thus helping to ensure a comparable standard of training.
B To achieve the highest possible standards of training and consequently improve the quality of medical care given to women and their babies.
C To explore the possibilities of research among young gynaecologists/obstetricians.

1.6 These objectives shall be achieved as follows:

A Promote the creation in all European countries of National Commissions or Networks of trainees.
B Collaborate with the European Board and College of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology(EBCOG) in the recommendation of the standards required for the training of specialists, and the means of maintaining those standards.
C Examine the content and quality of training in all countries of Europe
d Collaborate with EBCOG in the recommendation of the criteria to which the specialist training centres should conform.
E Make proposals for unifying the training programmes to achieve specialist status.
F Ensure that knowledge and skills of specialist obstetricians and gynaecologists are maintained and updated at regular intervals.
G Promote research between the trainees and young gynaecologists/obstetricians, including multi-centre European projects.
H Facilitate the exchange of trainees and young gynaecologists/obstetricians, between training centres throughout Europe to harmonise and improve the quality of training.
I Council has a responsibility to ensure that these objectives are pursued and to regularly review what has been achieved.

Article 2 – Membership

2.1 Membership of ENTOG shall be open to a single representative, national, non-governmental organisation or committee of trainees and young specialists in gynaecology and obstetrics in each of the countries of Europe.

2.2 For the purpose of this charter, a trainee is defined as a doctor who has entered but not completed the specialist training programme in obstetrics and gynaecology of his or her country. A young specialist is defined as a doctor who has completed his or her specialist training in gynaecology and obstetrics no more than three years ago.

2.2 If the plenary finds that a member organisation fails to continue to fulfil the qualifications for membership, it shall be excluded in accordance with the voting procedure set forth in Article 4.7.

Article 3 – Organisation

3.1 The activities of ENTOG are coordinated by an Executive Committee composed of the President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer and two members.

3.2 The Executive Committee shall be elected by the Council in accordance with the voting procedure set forth in Article 4.10 for an initial term of office of two years, and may thereafter be re-elected for an additional period of one year at a time.

3.3 At the time of election no less than three of the five officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be trainees. To be eligible for a seat on the Executive Committee, a young gynaecologist shall have completed his or her specialist training no more than one year prior to election. The President has to be a trainee at the time of election.

3.4 The duties of the President shall include the following:
a to coordinate the activities of the Executive Committee;
b to maintain effective contact among ENTOG member organisations;
c to represent ENTOG in relations with other organisations, including the
EBCOG council, the EBCOG Executive Committee and the European Union
as mandated by the Council and the ENTOG Executive Committee;
d to ensure the policy decisions of the Council are carried out.

3.5 The duties of the Secretary General shall include the following:
a to keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Council and the Executive Committee;
b to supervise the preparation and distribution of documents for meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee;
c to maintain the records and archives of ENTOG;
d to keep a record of member organisations, address list of delegates etc.

3.6 The duties of the Treasurer shall include the following:
a to supervise the finances of ENTOG in accordance with the decisions of the Council;
b to present an annual financial report and budget for approval by the Council

3.7 The Executive Committee shall convene at regular intervals and no less than two times a year.

3.8 The ENTOG secretariat will be located where the Executive Committee of ENTOG decides.

3.9 To carry out his/her function, the President may arrange for such assistance and staff as he/she deems fit in keeping with the budget for the
administration of ENTOG.

3.10 In the event that a President or any other member of the Executive Committee do not satisfactorily fulfil his/her duties, the Council may decide to remove him/her from office in accordance with the voting procedure setcout in Article 4.7

3.11 In the event of the President relinquishing his/her post before completing the term of office, the affairs of ENTOG will be managed by the Secretary General until the next Council meeting at which time an election will be held in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 4.10

3.12 An advisory Committee consisting of the late members of the Executive Committee shall be formed. The advisory Committee would be associated with the Executive Committee and is allowed to attend the Executive meetings, but has no voting rights. Late members of the Executive Committee automatically become advisors for two years after being a member of the Executive Committee, and are to be consulted any time the Executive Committee sees fit and before constitutional changes.

Article 4 – Council

4.1 The Council shall be the highest authority of the ENTOG, and shall consist of no more than one national delegation from each European country.

4.2 Where a member organisation as described in Article 2 exists, that body shall nominate the national delegation to the Council. Elsewhere, a
delegation with full voting rights shall be nominated by the national EBCOG member organisation providing that body adheres to the objectives of ENTOG, including Article 2 of this Charter. National delegations of trainees and young specialists in gynaecology and obstetrics not fulfilling these requirements may attend the Council in an observer capacity.

4.3 Each delegation is entitled to one vote only, and shall designate its head who shall vote for the delegation. A national delegation will not normally consist of more than three or four representatives

4.4 The Council meets once a year. Meetings of the Council are usually held in conjunction with the annual meeting and exchange programme of trainees in obstetrics and gynaecology in Europe.

4.5 The quorum of the Council shall be two thirds of the member delegations.

4.6 The agenda of each Council meeting shall be sent to all national delegations no later than four weeks before the date of the meeting, and shall include the following items:
a election of Chairman of the meeting;
b adoption of the Minutes of the previous Council meeting;
c report of the President;
d reports of subcommittees and working groups;
e discussion on topics proposed in advance by the Executive Committee or
national delegations;
f a report of the ENTOG accounts for the previous financial year with a
balance sheet and auditor's report submitted for approval by the Treasurer;
g a proposed budget for the next financial year;
h elections of officers and members of the Executive Committee;
i proposal for time and venue of the next Council meeting.

4.7 Policy decisions at Council meetings shall normally be taken only on matters which have been included on the circulated agenda of the meeting; however, with the consent of the Council, decisions may also be taken on other matters of a pressing nature. Policy decisions are decided by a simple majority.

4.8 Candidates to the Executive Committee must do their training in an ENTOG member country.

4.9 Elections for the offices of President, Secretary General and Treasurer are held separately and in that order. Subsequently, elections for the two
remaining members of the Executive Committee as determined by Article 3.3 are held.

4.10 Elections will be decided by a simple majority vote of delegations present and voting (cf Article 4.5) If there are more than two candidates after the first vote, the two with the highest number of votes will go forward for a second vote. In the event of a tie, there will be a further vote to achieve a result. If the result remains tied, lots will be drawn by the outgoing President for one of the two remaining names.

4.11 All decisions other than elections and those covered by Article 4.7 require agreement by a vote in Council of three-fourths of those member
organisations present and voting with a quorum as stipulated in Article 4.5.

4.12 A decision to amend the Statutes shall be in accordance with Article 7.

4.13 A delegation not able to be present at a Council meeting may provide a written proxy to another delegation or to the Executive Committee with a copy to the Secretary General concerning a specific item or items.

4.14 Votes shall be by secret ballot.

4.15 The officers and members of the Executive Committee are expected to
speak but shall not have the power to vote in Council meetings, unless they are the only representative from their country. In case of a tied vote in Council the outgoing President may cast a decisive vote.

4.16 Guests may be invited officially by the President at his/her discretion and/or on the proposal of a national delegation. Guests will be allowed to speak at the discretion of the President and/or meeting chairman and/or by Council decision cf. Article 4.7.

4.17 The minutes of the Council meeting shall be prepared by the outgoing Secretary General and shall be distributed to the members no later than eight weeks from the date of the meeting.

4.18 An extraordinary meeting may be called by the President or on the request of a least one-third of the national member delegations with a minimum notice of four weeks.

Article 5 – Subcommittees and Working Groups

5.1 The Council shall establish such subcommittees and working groups as it sees fit, and shall decide their terms of reference, their chairmen, and their membership. Such subcommittees and working parties shall be subject to annual re-appointment and election.

5.2 The chairmen of all subcommittees and working parties shall be responsible to the Executive Committee and to the Council for the activities of their respective bodies and may act as spokesmen for ENTOG within their terms of reference and in agreement with the Executive Committee and Council, as relevant.

5.3 The members of the Executive Committee can represent ENTOG at training relevant EBCOG working groups, such as:
a EBCOG working group on training and assessment.
b EBCOG working group on examination.
c EBCOG visiting committees.
d ENTOG will maintain and create links with other European Organisations related with obstetrics and gynaecology and with other European Medical Training Organisations.
e ENTOG works in collaboration with the National Societies and Trainees
Committees in each country.

Article 6 – Finances

6.1 Pending approval of the Council, the funds of ENTOG may arise from
donations or subsidies from public institutions, private companies and
foundations or collaborating organisations (i.e. EBCOG).

6.2 The Council can decide that each member organisation shall make an
annual contribution to the funds of the ENTOG, based on a minimum
amount and on the number of doctors which it represents.

6.3 Each member organisation shall be responsible for the expenses of its

delegation to Council meetings of the ENTOG.

6.4 The expenses of the President and other members of the Executive
Committee shall be borne by ENTOG funds.

6.5 The Council shall decide the period of the financial year of the ENTOG.

6.6 The ENTOG accounts shall be submitted to the annual meeting of the
Council, after they have been independently audited.

6.7 The ENTOG accounts can be accessed independently by the ENTOG treasurer and ENTOG president and are managed by the ENTOG treasurer.

Article 7 – Amendment of Statutes

7.1 These Statutes shall be binding from the date of ra tification. They can only be amended in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 4.11.
Notice of proposed amendment must be given four months in advance of the meeting at which said amendment is to be voted upon and the written amendment for debate and decision must be circulated at least two months in advance.

Article 8 – Dissolution

8.1 Dissolution of ENTOG can only be done by the Council in accordance with Article 4.11 and with notice of the proposal to do so at least four months in advance. In the case of such decision, the Council shall decide on the method of liquidating ENTOG, and the assets of ENTOG shall be transferred to EBCOG.

8.2 Everything not explicitly foreseen in the present statutes is subject to Belgian law.

Ratified 8th of May 2014 by the ENTOG Council convened in Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Last changes: ENTOG Council in Warsaw, 8 th June 2019