Perinatal Science International: The Global Meeting for Perinatal Research 7-9 March 2024 • San Servolo – Venice, Italy

We warmly invite you to the upcoming “PSI 2024: The Global Meeting for Perinatal Researchers” from the 7th to 9th of March 2024 in San Servolo Island in Venice (Italy). This premier congress is organized by the European Association of Perinatal Medicine (EAPM). PSI 2024 will be the first meeting to host global methodologists, basic scientists, qualitatively researchers, social media experts and family engagement experts in a unique setting to discuss current cutting-edge, state-of-art, multinational/multicentre research. You can read more and register here:

ESSM-ENTOG joint webinar on Female Sexual Dysfunction

You are invited for an upcoming ESSM-ENTOG joint webinar on Female Sexual Dysfunction that’s aimed at O&G trainees & young specialists. 29th November 2023 18:00 – 19:00 CET Title: Female sexual dysfunction from the reproductive age to menopause: What O&G trainees and young specialists should be aware of? Introduction: Giovanni Corona (ESSM President) Moderators: Alberto Silva (YoSeMa) & Mei Yee Ng (ENTOG) Register for *FREE*: Zoom

Joint webinar of TTOG & ENTOG “Ultrasound diagnosis of endometriosis and correlations to the surgical findings”

You are invited to joint webinar of TTOG & ENTOG on “Ultrasound Diagnosis of Endometriosis and Correlations to the Surgical Findings” by Dr.Alin Constantin. 29 November 2023 6:00 PM CET (Central European Time) Expert: Alin Constantin, MD. University of Saarland, Germany Title: Ultrasound Diagnosis of Endometriosis and Correlations to the Surgical Findings Please use the link below to join: Zoom Web ID: 828 0376 9783 Password: 12345

ESGE Webinar – HYSTEROSCOPY: BACK TO BASICS | 30th November 2023

Dear Trainees, The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE), Special Interest Group (SIG) Hysteroscopy in Collaboration with ESGE Official Journal Facts, Views & Vision are pleased to announce their next webinar: Hysteroscopy: back to basics Date: 30th November 2023 Time: 19.00 – 20.30 CET Price: FREE OF CHARGE Register here: Zoom

EFOG-EBCOG Part 1 KBA Exam Applications Open for 2024

We are pleased to announce that EBCOG is now accepting applications for the EFOG-EBCOG Part 1 KBA exam in 2024. This year, you will be offered two separate dates to take the examination – 16 March and 31 August 2024. Why should you take the exam and become a European Fellow? * Passing the Exams will be a quality mark for you, which might be of use in your country. * Additionally, this might give you an extra mark if you decide to work in a European country provided that you fulfil other necessary requirements. * The exam is a[…]

EURAPAG 2024 – 16th European Congress of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology, June 2024 in Thessaloniki, Greece

Exciting News! Join us for the 16th EURAPAG Congress in 2024 in Thessaloniki and discover the latest in Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology. The event will take place between the 5th and 8th of June 2024, bringing together, experts, researchers and trainees from around Europe!​ Trainees in particular will be able to attend the 3rd Pan European Trainee Congress hosted by EURAPAG in collaboration with ENTOG.The Trainee’s day will focus on small scale learning, including a stump the professor session, as well as providing an opportunity for trainees to showcase their own research! Read more and register here:

Extension Of The Deadline For EBCOG Fellowships 2024

Application deadline for EBCOG Fellowship has been extended to February 29, 2024. In order to stimulate the mobility of trainees across Europe, EBCOG (the European Board and College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists), in collaboration with ENTOG, annually awards fellowships to Obstetrics and Gynaecology trainees currently training in Europe. EBCOG awards three individual fellowships per year, each worth 3000 euros, to spend a three-month period in a foreign training centre which has been recognised by EBCOG. Candidates are expected to personally contact the hospital to ensure the feasibility of the fellowship PRIOR to applying for the EBCOG fellowship. Please visit Fellowships[…]

We are looking for ENTOG-FVVO Trainee Editors! Apply by 31st October 2023!

We are pleased to announce a collaboration with Facts, Views & Vision to bring another opportunity for ENTOG members to be part of the research publication process – this time with the journal of ESGE! If you are interested in Minimally Invasive Gynaecology Surgery and want to combine your passion with research and academia, you could just be the first batch of ENTOG-FVVO trainee editors. So apply with your CV and motivation letter to by🔸️31st October 2023🔸️!

Be an ENTOG-EBCOG Ambassador in Japan!

Do you remember back in May 2023, we had 3 trainees from Japan 🇯🇵 joining ENTOG trainees at the ENTOG Mini-Exchange Krakow/ Katowice? Well – now there is a chance for ENTOG members to join an exchange in Japan before attending the Japanese Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Congress (19th to 21st April 2023)! Take this opportunity to experience healthcare system and training in a different continent and apply with your CV and motivation letter to by 31st October 2023. *** Successful applicants will have travel costs, accommodation, airport transfers, congress registration covered by EBCOG & JSOG